Thursday, February 10

Good to the last drop

Well I'm still up. And guess what I'm doing, laundry of course. When would be a better time than the night before I leave. I suppose I could be doing this tomorrow between the time I leave work and the time the limo picks me up. But that would be leaving things to the last, and I'd never be that bad about getting ready. ;)

So far I have packed one bag--the bag full of books, DVDs (just TV series as of now), games, and of course my new camera. The others are just sitting waiting to be filled with some clothes that are so happily spinning in the dryer downstairs. Anyone think of what I might be missing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Other than that other sandal you couldn't find, I can't think of a thing. :)

When you figure it out you'll just have to go on your first Malaysian shopping trip!

Dad (Murray)