Sunday, February 13

Day one on the town

So just recently got back from our first day on the town. First thing to point out. Lanes on the roads are purely a suggestion here. If it is faster if you go into the on-coming lane, they will do it. Oh, and you can easily drive along-side another car in your lane. And those ever so prevalent scooters and motorcycles need not be considered real vehicles. I mean they are small and no need to give them any room on the road. Hell, and you can easily fit a family of 4 on a small motorcycle (that was scary to watch).

So what we actually did (other than hold on tight in the car) was to go to the large mall in George Town. This was about 10 stories of my suprise there are a LOT of American stores: Levis, etc... There are plenty of food places to go. We passed up McDonalds for some Chicken & Noodle place for lunch. It wasn't anything to write home about. So after a day of strolling around the giant mall we had dinner at Sushi King. The cool thing about it was that they had a conveyor with plates going around. So you just grabbed what you wanted and since the plates were colour coded, they just added up your plates when you finished. You could also order things from a menu (which we did to suppliment the conveyor food). Amy even tried some sushi (salmon and BBQ eel)...and thought it was quite good.

The cab ride home was a little...interesting. Mostly due to the fact that he really didn't know where our hotel was (the downside of staying in a nearly brand new hotel). But eventually he (with our help..which is difficult) found our hotel. Eventually we will get it figured out where we are.

Well I'm off to go for a swim in the pool. I'll report with more news later.


Anonymous said...

Spinning plates and scooters with whole families on them. This is not at all like Ontario Ryan.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ry-guy! So glad to read your trip is going well..this is grt way to stay in touch(mothers especially like this!) Love the pics
Love the Waller House

Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan how you are have a great time, around the world! Talk to you later!