Tuesday, February 15

From way over there

Hi all,

Just got back from a post-work swim with Dave. He had been home for quite some time--he got to come to the Penang fab to get his real visa processed (and Amy's...she was elected to work longer). We are currently waiting for her return so we can go find some dinner. I got my visa today (and 410 RM back...they apparently have difficulties figuring out how much is for a Canadian to get a visa...Adam had the same problem). So my passport is starting to get stuff in it...w00t.

So far integration testing has been going well for me. I think that we are making good progress (hopefully Dave and Amy's picks up). Found some good defects in our code (this is a good thing when testing...if we don't find anything then something is likely to be wrong with our tests and it will bite us in the ass later).

As a side-note, it is good to see the reader population growing. Don't feel so dorky any more. ;)


George said...

Yaay, now I will be King of Dorkland, with my readership of two!

Ryan said...

So you have who, Lisa and I?

George said...

Nope, you and my mom.