Sunday, December 14

Navilyn at 6 weeks

I am starting to get onto this parent photography thing---give me a chance, I am new at this. I have found that I don't always have a camera at my disposal when a photographic opportunity presents itself. However, things such as computers and cell phones also have cameras...I bet you wouldn't have guessed that 10 years ago.

I won't always post every photo to my blog; instead the majority of them will be posted directly to my Flickr account (and perhaps occasionally to Facebook).

[Navilyn Flickr Set] [Navilyn Facebook Album]

Untiltled Navilyn Photo

Saturday, December 6

Navilyn Update

Joy, Navilyn, and I are doing well. I apologize for the lack of updates, but I seem to find myself doing other things...a lot of work lately. :(

Since many have requested I am posting a photo of Navilyn. The photo was taken on the 29th, Navilyn being about 5 and a half weeks old.

Navilyn Sleeping on Joy....again

With her becoming more active/alert, I imagine I'll find myself taking more photos (there is only so many photos of her sleeping one can post).