Tuesday, March 8

Sunday's Trip

If you hadn't figured it out from my previous post and the below pictures I guess I'll fill you in. Dave and I did indeed make it to our snorkeling trip--but not without a little incident. The main issue was that they didn't get the right name for our booking and didn't provide us with the proper stub. So thankfully we were at the pier with plenty of time to get things sorted out.

After waiting about 45 minutes we were able to board or boat (not as impressive as the Georgian Bay glass bottom boat tour) but much faster than the rest of the boats out in the water. The trip took about 1.5 hours to arrive at the island (Pulau Payar Island to be specific). Once we arrived at the floating platform we got a quick overview of what was in store for the day and some instructions. So I finally got my first taste of swimming in the sea (quite literally...mmm salty). After a couple minutes I figured out how to actually do the snorkeling thing. And wow the fish were everywhere, they barely got out of your way. They only pulled my leg hairs a couple of times. The coral wasn't very impressive they only had a single type which was brownish and and like the tops of cauliflower.

We were supposed to go feed sharks via a glass-bottomed boat, however the sea became too choppy for the boat. Which was disappointing. They did however feed the fish around the platform with what was the shark food...this brought out the barracuda. Now that is quite an impressive fish, glad it didn't decide to nibble on my legs. ;)

After exploring the beach and returning to the platform for lunch is where I made my mistake of not applying sunscreen to my legs. Oh and have I been paying for it since. Legs are a very bad place for a burn. You see when trying to sleep the sheets rub against the leg hairs which irritates the burnt skin. Oh and pants have a similar effect. Needless to say I finally got some Aloe and hopefully it speeds the healing of the very annoying burns.

Oh I forgot to mention the cute little Chinese fishing boats out in the middle of the sea tethered to what looked like bamboo poles (must be very long poles). And there were lots of them. Unfortunately we had an old British guy that for some reason felt he should sing sea chanties. Tell me why boats make people think that they can and should sing?

So that was about all for my last weekend in the tropics. Next weekend I'll be reporting from the Great White North!


Katia said...

I vote for waxing. And pictures of your face while in the process of.


Anonymous said...

It will be good to welcome you back to the great "White North" --at least for a week !!

Pictures are all GREAT !! I have enjoyed the vicarious thrills of your tour of Malaysia and area.Almost sorry to see them end !!

Hope Arizonia can provide something just as enjoyable

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like Kat beat me to the comment I wanted to make. :P

Katia said...

Yeah, the race really isn't fair. After all, I do have three hours on you ;)

George said...

Well, when you're reporting from the Great White North, you may be seeing two familiar faces that you weren't expecting to see :)

Have a safe flight back.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to say "I told you so" but I did warn you about snorkelling and the sun. Live and learn; to listen to me, that is. Can't wait to see you again!