Monday, March 21

From the sunny south

Hi everyone,

My blogging location has now shifted from the hot and humid Penang, Malaysia to the hot and dry desert of Pheonix, Arizona. My day started at an un-godly 4:45am. After a rounding up the few remaining items (my iPod & speakers) I was off in the limo (not a stretch this time) towards Toronto. Now my flight isn't scheduled for boarding until 10am, but since I'm here for so long I needed to apply to get a TN visa, so in addition to the regular 2 hours prior for international flights I was allotted 4 hours.

I arrived at the airport around 6:15. Only two hours later I'm waiting at my boarding gate with a grapefruit juice and a banana-nut muffin. I guess I really didn't need the 4 hours to get to my plane...better to error on the side of safety though. The TN visa application went fairly smoothly; I wasn't required to go into a small room and be interviewed, just a few questions periodically over the counter and a good 20 minute wait for the cashier to pay for my second visa. The Malaysian visa is much more impressive (for any of you who may have seen it). The TN is just a simple stamp and a piece of paper stapled in my passport--they did take my picture and index finger prints though. The flight left TO on time, and after a short flight we arrived in Phoenix at 12:55 pm local time (a half hour early). After a little while Adam and I finally found each other around 1:40 pm. We did our run around to get the new rental car (a Corolla) and a bite to eat (my early diner Adam's breakfast/lunch) and after all is said and done my trip took 11 and a half hours.

Currently Adam and I are still in a hotel, we were supposed to be moving into the apartment but it doesn't look like all the paperwork was finished by our office. So we are here in the suites a bit longer.

Well that is all for now. And we can consider the blog open for business again.


Anonymous said...

A Corolla eh! Was that luck or by request?


Ryan said...

By luck. Adam currently has a Matrix XR, so it sucks that we are changing to the Corolla CE (no offence Grandma).

Anonymous said...

Hi from the still wintery(although a little more spring-like)South-Western Ont. That would be Huron County !! I'm amazed that you would suggest that a Matrix XR ( whatever that is) might be better than a Corolla !! Do you not worry about getting the "boot" from this Toyota-Loving Family ? Glad you arrived safely.

Anonymous said...

A smooth start to a hopefully smooth stay in sunny Arizona (it is sunny, eh?). Get to work!! Oh, and what is it with you Wightman's and your Corolla's!

Anonymous said...

I think your Grandma needs to have a little more faith in your taste in vehicles!

The Matrix is a Toyota!

Sorry Mom

Anonymous said...

Oops-I goofed on the Matrix !! BUT it is not the choice Corolla.
I wouldn't mind a Camry !!
