Thursday, March 3


So Dave and I have the tough choice of what to do this weekend. The items on the table are: fly to Singapore; Thailand via bus, or plane or something; or an island resort in Malaysia. Neither Dave or I seem to have a strong preference towards one or the other (we are leaning towards Singapore or Thailand). So what is the opinion of the jury? And what ideas for what to do there (Singapore is small, but as for Thailand we have no clue as to which part to goto...Bangkok maybe...that could be fun).

So, please offer us your thoughts.


Anonymous said...

For starters, I'm glad to hear from you again. *miss you* Secondly, if I was you and you don't have to listen to me, I'd lean towards Singapore or the Malaysian island. Everyone goes to Thailand. It's where all the dirty perverts from Britain go to get action from twelve year old boys! Not to say that it's all like that. Plus, with Singapore being small, you'd have the opportunity to see the majority of the country, whirlwind style, mind you. Anyway, you asked for a suggestion. (sorry for the run-on)

Anonymous said...

I vote with Joy. I think that you should see Singapore. Not too sure why except that Grant really liked it and said that you should see it because you were so close to it. It is a very modern city and the night life is great.
Bangkok I would think is very busy and noisy and dirty. Not a really knowledgeable opinion from here. Just a rambling and wanting to say something but the truth is you will do what you and Dave decide anyhow.

Anonymous said...

Choices eh!

Bangkok for a "wilder" who knows what you'll find type of adventure.
Singapore for a more "civilized" weekend.
Resort if you just want to relax and enjoy yourself away from your hotel "office".
But .... pick one and have fun! What you will regret later would be if you don't do any of these!


Anonymous said...

I vote for Singapore---no particular reason except I like the sound of it !! Also I'd like some pictures from there. Now do just what you want and have a great week-end !!

Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan, I think you should try sometime totally different, then you have had before! Make sure you don't get sick, eatting whatever you choice!

I can't wait to show you my new computer! Talk to you later this weekend, when we get back!