Thursday, March 10

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I can see it. Both with the project for work and for my return home. Over the last couple days things seem to be falling into their proper place (finishing the outstanding enhancements and defects). Currently I'm just checking in all the changes into source-control so I can do the final alpha exit release (kind of slow uploading the files across our VPN--an encrypted link to my work network in Kitchener). Tomorrow I am going to be the answer man, the support personnel will be asking me all their questions in hopes of transferring as much knowledge from me to them...hopefully the knowledge tank isn't on empty.

And the real good news. In about a day and a half I'll be on my way to the airport. I have had a pretty good time here (a few attacks of home-sickness), but I'm really looking forward to getting back home. I want to visit every one of you that is in Ontario (will be a busy week but a great one). In that train of thought I know when I'll be leaving for Chandler. I won't be driving as previously planned since the client really wants me there by Tuesday the 22nd for training. I will instead be leaving on a jet plane from Toronto (yes me in in Canada :D) on the 21st. So that gives me more time with you all, since it was looking like I'd have to leave on the Saturday such that I might get there for Tuesday's training if I were to go by car.

So all I have to do now is plan out my schedule for next week. Feel free to post your preferences (oh I have to go into work for part of a day to organize my Chandler trip thing...and get my OHIP extended). So comment away. :)


Katia said...

So you're not working next week?

Ryan said...

I have been told that no one is able to add there comments? Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Twas true. I tried several times without access to the comments.

To the question at hand. We have several enticements for some Bowmanville time: home cookin' and playin' with Joel's new PC.

Trump that!


Anonymous said...

Hope you plan a trip to "The Farm"
Afraid we can't trump the Bomanville enticements !!

Anonymous said...

There are some pretty little girls to entice Ryan to see on his trip to Auburn.
I know that Autumn is awaiting your trip home to ask you questions of your travels.

Anonymous said...

Hey! If you're not busy and Wednesday is ok, can we maybe meet up?