Wednesday, November 9

So Sleepy

I imagine a few of you are curious as to what is going on here. To put it simple, nothing exciting. My time has been spent working, and not much else. Have a good work week behind me with two days left in the week. That is never a good thing. So basically I'm exhausted.


George said...

Yay for time-and-a-half on integration trips! So, with a couple weeks more of this, and you can get that new car! :D

Ryan said...

Well I suppose the good news in that is I will indeed have a few more weeks of this (hopefully not quite this much though).

I had forgotten it was time and a half. :)

Anonymous said...

Time and a half !!! That should take the pain away !! What is the temperature there at this time of the year ?

Ryan said...

It will help cure the pain, but that won't be until I get back. I still have to live until then.

As for the weather, it has been mid-20s to low-30s (really 30-31), but with approximately 80% humidity. :( It is indeed different from the desert.