Saturday, November 5

Malaysia v2.2

Well I finally made it to my hotel. And it worked out to only 44 hours door-to-door. Most of my flight from Hong Kong to Malaysia was spent sleeping. And I learnt a good lesson during my sleep. Don't sleep during final approach. If you do, the touchdown can be quite a startle.

I am here safe, and mostly sound. I after standing around the baggage carousel for a good while, they conveyor stopped. This is not a good thing. So, I have finally run into the whole lost baggage thing. The Penang airport is to forward my baggage to my hotel once they get it. Which hopefully won't be too terribly long since I am without any sort of extra clothes. They did tell me that if I didn't have the luggage at my hotel by 9:00 AM that I should call to inquire. So that sounds promising.

I really hope that it gets rounded up soon, other than the fact it has my clothes, tripod, mail for the last few months, and my degree from UW; my Vonage adapter is in there which means I'm not just a phone call to Kitchener away. :( And to top that off I cannot get this Primus calling card to work from here (or Hong Kong for that matter). Also, (yes again) SkypeOut doesn't seem to work very well to call places such as Port Colborne.

I'll let you know how this all turns out tomorrow. For now if you want to get in voice contact with me Skype or Google Talk seem to be the only way.

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