Monday, May 9

That Clown Bush

I don't know if any of you have seen/read this. I personally watched it on Fox News (what a joke that whole station is). Basically Bush is comparing his war on terrorism to the war against the Nazi's. You can find it here.


Anonymous said...

How else can the 'American Idiot' feed his ego?
Apparently, and sadly, many American's believe what this particular Idiot says.

Anonymous said...

American Politics are a bit on the "far side" ,but then so are most of their networks !!
Sadly,our own politicians in Ottawa would not win any medals for behaviour at the moment either !!
How on earth will you celebrate the May 2-4 weekend in a country that probably doesn't even know why we have a holiday !! We'll light a few fire crackers for you .

Ryan said...

Yeah, it is hard to find nay politicians anywhere that should deserve much respect.

Yeah, they really know nothing about Victoria Day. Oh, well I'm sure that Joy and I'll find a way to make the most of a Canadian holiday...even if we are south of the border.

Anonymous said...

If I'd known you were having company for the BIG week-end,I wouldn't have spent so much time feeling sorry for you !!
Hope you & Joy have a great time .
