Friday, May 20

Star Wars

So the fact that everyone bailed on ritualistically Thursday night drinking turned out to be good. Joy and I ended up seeing Star Wars (Hitchhiker was only showing until 7:40). I must say that it was probably one of the best of the double trilogy. By far out shining the lack luster Episode I & II.

The unfortunate thing with prequels is that there are some things that can't surprise you since you know the future...takes a little out of fight scenes when you know what happens to the participants.

Another fun aspect is seeing all the old models of ships that lead to various craft such as the Imperial transport, ATSTs, A-Wing, etc...

All in all I think that it is worth a trip to the theatre.


Anonymous said...

Like Father ,like Son !!!
There was a time when your Dad would NOT let anything get in the way of watching "Star Wars"--30 yrs ago (more or less) Did you beat him to the punch this time around ?
I actually thought it didn't open until sometime this week-end .


Anonymous said...

Oops---I've been told that it was Star Trek and your Dad and all his siblings were equally addicted !!
