Sunday, May 8

Eventful Saturday Night

Hi all,

So what are you guys up to? I personally am sitting around waiting for my dinner to cook..honey garlic chicken wings. But they are going to be quite a bit longer...I should have pre-cooked them on the BBQ.

So the plan for the rest of the night is to: eventually eat something, drink some more Canadian beer (yes they have Moosehead here), and play some games...with good music to cover it all.

Let me know what you would do with all this free time (pretty much everyone I know here took off for the weekend).



Anonymous said...

Ah, poor Ryan!
Sounds good though. We spent the day working....installing a fence for a client, hopefully tomorrow will be the last day! Dinner wasn't the peaceful delight yours sounded like...Sky Ranch for us and then some more work. It seems like spring is really here-lots of flowers and birdsong. Finally!
What's the area you live in like?

Ryan said...

The food sounded better than it turned out. BBQing them first works out MUCH better.

Did you have cheesy fries? Ah, there is nothing quite like them.

I really should get some pictures of the area for you. Well once you leave the city it looks a lot like those pictures of South Mountain. My complex I live in is quite nice: a large pool w/ a beach, hottubs, BBQs, grass (they use a lot of water to keep it green).

Anonymous said...

We are really feeling sorry for you "sob,sob" Our weekends are mostly the same as yours (minus the beer) If the May 2-4 weekend is going to have weather like to-day ,which is wet and cold,I think the location will be changed to Saltford !! My babies are really getting soft in their advancing years !! I remember a time when the camping (tents) would procede come" hell or high water" but that's progress !!

Ryan said...

Yeah, your children are getting to be a little wussy in their older age. They have traded tiny tents for houses and large trailers to pull behind their trucks.