Wednesday, July 6

Back in the Sunny South-West

Did I mention it is sunny and warm here?

My trip to Ontario was an excellent time, but it has come to an end with me back in Arizona. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of family and friends throughout my time back in Ontario. I really can't wait to return back home. :( When will that be? I'm not sure yet, the latest would be for Thanksgiving but I'm set on being back for a camping trip around Labour Day (I know Joy is up for that), if anyone else wants to join us that would be excellent.

As some will agree returning to work after a break isn't the best thing (not just because it is back to work) but because the work that piles up--or rather doesn't finish itself. So it is looking like this week will require some overtime (un-paid I might add).

Well back to work. :(

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