Saturday, April 7

Travelling Again

So tomorrow I'll be traveling again for work. Unlike most--almost all--of my previous work trips I will not be gone for weeks, or months. I will be down in Arizona, until Saturday the 14th, providing a training course to one of our customers. The course I am providing is the same course I presented in Malaysia last year, with a few additional/extended topics.

Since I am not there over a weekend I won't have a chance to go do any extended sight-seeing. I will take in some of the old favourites, such as South Mountain and Cold Stone Creamery.

As with most of my travels you are likely to see a post or to. So until later, good-bye.


George said...

Safe travels! Enjoy the weather!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great time in Arizona, see you when you great back!

George said...

Are you there yet?

Ryan said...

I just nicely got into my hotel 15 minutes ago. The only stressful part of the trip was when when we were sitting on the runway and received a notification to hold our departure, from Toronto to Cleveland for approximately 20 minutes (there was only a scheduled 50 minute between my flights). Thankfully it turned into only a couple minutes delay, in addition to the lengthy boarding delay, and there were no issues in the flight.

By the way, for the next week I'm the driver of a new Nissan Altima (with push-button start).

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to go and have a Mista Salad?

After thought - why does a lot of our life revolve around food?

- Carolyn

Caroline said...

mmm, Cold Stone . . . I had forgotten about that. . .

Unknown said...
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Ryan said...

I haven't made it to Cold Stone yet but I did make it to Pasta Pomodoro. Carolyn, yes I had a Mista salad, and yes it was very good. So good that I may end up having another before I leave. George, I didn't not have the butternut squash ravioli, sorry it wasn't on the menu, but I did have a lovely wild mushroom with cream sauce and prosciutto. It was a great meal.

Ryan said...

I believe the reason everything revolves around food is it is something that brings everyone together. Regardless of other interests, good food is something everyone enjoys, except maybe George.

Ryan said...

As a little FYI, the Pasta Pomodoro site has a few "easy-to-make Italian dishes" recipes for those of you at home.

mas said...

You better bring back a couple of bottles of Cholula and a giant bottle of tequila with you.