Tuesday, June 14

The Pictures Are In

So today was the day Graeme made it here. Well that isn't the real news of the day, just something to keep you in a little more suspense. What really happened was that I picked up my 9 rolls of film. 8 from the last two outings: first to Monument Valley, second to the Grand Canyon (both with a bit of Sedona); and one mystery one that came for the trip to Arizona in my camera--this one containing some Christmas photos (games night I think), as well as the hike Alex, Kat, Joy, and I took on a winter river (Elora I think). After a small donation to the Tempe Camera lab of almost $90 I was racing back home to see how they turned out. [As a little jump ahead note, the prints turned out great and don't regret paying a little more to get them done at a professional lab.]

As soon as I get home, I sit down and start to go through all the rolls of prints--of course being sure to re-sort them into their proper order. I seem to be missing 7 prints, I'll have to call/visit the lab tomorrow to clear this up. There are some beautiful pictures contained in these prints, I must find a way to share them with everyone as soon as possible (George I think you might be jealous of the night shots). So it looks like I might have to go and look at either print scanners or bed scanners this week, since I don't know anyone here with a scanner.

Oh and before one comments on the potential need for a digital SLR--*cough* George *cough*--wait until you see these photos.


George said...

Arg, so jealous and I haven't even seen them! Go get that scanner so we can see!

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait!
