Saturday, June 4

Away from home

I don't know about you guys but I could really use being at home. I miss Joy, I miss my family, miss my friends. I miss home. And I'm tired of stressful weeks of work and then being the entertainment coordinator for after hours. I think I need a rest.


Anonymous said...

Do you have some vacation days yet? You could offer the suggestion that you'd like to try out someone else's cooking, or adventure ideas, and maybe develop a more shared hosting situation with your buddies. Afterall, you're not 'mom', and don't need to look after the 'keeping the kids entertained' job! Take a little time for yourself Ryan, do nothing, or take a mini-vacation by yourself. Maybe a good night's sleep? :)
It might help, if you are starting to feel a little overwhelmed. Connie

Anonymous said...

I wish that I could just give you a great big hug ;) I miss you too, don't try so hard to be the perfect host. Maybe if you screwed it up a little bit they wouldn't rely on you so much. As Connie says take a little break to be by yourself. You sound like me, by the end of Christmas I want to escape all people.
When you come home at the end of June take some more vacation days. We are going to come to Goderich so why not invite Joy up and we can all spend time together instead of spreading yourself thinly around!!
Hope you have a great trip to the Grand Canyon and get some more incredible pictures.
Joy you can see this so make sure Ryan brings you for July first. Schecule it off if you can.
We are going to try to have a few people around for a small party week-end.

Anonymous said...

You're such sweetheart! I miss you too Ryan. As for all the entertainment responsibilities, I'm sure no one expects you to come up with what to do all the time. Let someone else take the reins. If they won't bother, then neither should you! Take everyone's advice, bugger off for a bit! When you come home I will drag you out to Goderich at the generous invitation from your mom (Thank-you!) because at this moment nothing has officially been scheduled for July 1st weekend. Take care of yourself! I'd like it if you came back mentally whole!

Anonymous said...

We were checking your blog to-day when your Mom,Dad & Joel were here and I was dismayed to see that my comments were not there !! I sent them yesterday at 3:00--that's afternoon-not 3:00am ,my usual time!! I must not have clicked on publish !!
I think it's time you had a holiday back in Canada !! I agree with your Mom --Mess up a bit and get a break !!
We miss you too, especially when my computer acts up !! It understand that you will be back on the "good" soil of Canada for July 1st---it would completely unacceptable to have to spend "Canada Day" in the United States !!
Really enjoying your pictures !!


Anonymous said...

Hello Ryan, you just have just a week, and a bit until you come home! See you soon Ryan!