Friday, April 8

Living it up in the south-west

Hi all,

It has been a while since I posted anything. It has been a rather busy week. Four of my fellow team members came down on Monday (and Tuesday), two are now on their way back home, but the other two will be here until next week. From the time they arrived, additional work seemed to follow. Monday and Tuesday nights didn’t end until 12am and 1:30am respectively, in both cases it was to do releases. Thankfully I was not the one doing them, however, I did start one of them and was there to answer questions and lend a hand to help speed up some of the work.

The last two nights Adam and I have been feeding the masses. Wednesday was ribs night with a couple nice big racks of BBQ spare ribs and an excellent Caesar salad; Thursday ended up being handmade burgers and a garden salad with a red wine vinaigrette. The burgers took on a south-west flair with the jalapeno and chili peppers. Both these nights included a nice peppering of beer and caesars in the hot-tub (under the stars of course).

This weekend is the trek to Vegas. There will be 7 (maybe 8 but doubtful) of us heading out on Saturday morning, returning Sunday sometime. None of us have the intention of peeing away our money at the tables; we will give them a try but there is so much to see, and not a lot of time. I’ll let everyone know how it turns out.


George said...

Ack, I am SO jealous! I can't wait until May when I come down for my laptop training (for those who don't know, don't ask... it's really sad). Hot-tubbing under the stars with a cold one in hand sounds like an excellent idea.

Have fun in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you would do well at cruising. Hot tubs and drinks under the stars is very familiar activities. We did do some slots as well and lost a little money. Paul had the winning touch so to speak. I think he won $30.