Details, I suppose people like details; I guess I'll fill in a few details since people don't like to know such a small portion of such news.
On September 8th, at Sandbanks Provincial Park, atop a sand dune overlooking West Lake I asked Joy if she'd marry me and put up with me for the rest of our lives; she said yes. And in her enthusiasm she decided she'd maul me causing minor scuffs as my leg was folded behind me and under a root of some dune plant life. After a moment or two I was able to convince her she could let me up to free my leg from its trap.
Since we have the technology, I am going to include some photos from the area in which it all went down.
Upon coming across this point I decided it was the spot
Our footsteps leading to the spot
A photo of my Joy just moments before I made the big proposition
The view from our hiding spot in the shade; I'm just about to dig out the ring from the bag masked as returning the camera to the bag
Walking back (along the dunes not through) on the edge which is slowly moving into the lake